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Cyberattacks are occurring at the state and local level, impacting government, small businesses, academia and industry sectors, which ultimately impacts the individuals throughout the community. A whole-community approach needs to be taken by communities to protect their citizens. This begins at the K-12 level, helping educators access the tools and resources they need to create better cyber-aware citizens and support a growing cybersecurity workforce.
To help you get started in developing your community's cybersecurity program, the CIAS-ISAO has four initial, critical steps to guide you. Each step includes specific ways to help you accomplish them.
A community with an established cybersecurity program and established information sharing processes will be much more likely to be able to effectively respond to cyber events impacting them. This article introduces the topic of whole-community cybersecurity programs and five key reasons why they are needed.
Register for a one-hour webinar on October 26th with the CIAS-ISAO Associate Director of Technology and Research Dwayne Williams, as he provides insights into no-cost tools that can help you monitor and secure your organization’s IT infrastructure.
The number of attacks on states, communities and critical infrastructures has steadily grown over the last decade. Communities are now paying more attention because…
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