Everything under this category and its subcategories requires membership level 1 or higher.
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Webinar Recordings
Discounted Resources for Level 3
For an in-depth guide of the CCSMM, you can purchase the book "Establishing Cyber Security Programs Through the Community Cyber...
Discount on Training Resources
Annual International Information Sharing Conference – Free registration for your members
Discount on CCSMM Book
Panoply – Discounted Access for Level 3
Panoply, a network security competition, is a network assessment and network defense competition combined into a single event. Panoply events...
Level 2+ Discounts for Cybersecurity Prep Courses
Roadmap to Establishing an ISAO
The primary purpose of an information sharing and analysis organization (ISAO) is to establish a mechanism to enable public and/or...
Customized training resources
The CIAS-ISAO recognizes that every organization’s needs are different. The CIAS-ISAO has identified cybersecurity topic areas that can be utilized...
The Organization Assessment Tool
ISAO Awareness: No Cost Resources
1 Initial Consultation: ISAO development
To connect with the CIAS-ISAO for a one hour consultation about the Community Cyber Security Maturity Model, the community cybersecurity...