Lots of good practical information. I felt like the information received is something I can apply in my current position easily and it will provide value.
The presenter [Natalie Sjelin] had intimate knowledge of the process and possible pitfalls of implementing policies within organizations.
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Lots of good practical information. I felt like the information received is something I can apply in my current position easily and it will provide value.
The presenter [Natalie Sjelin] had intimate knowledge of the process and possible pitfalls of implementing policies within organizations.
The quality of the [Continuity Planning] presentation and the value of the content easily makes this the best webinar I have attended since the plague days started. CIAS-ISAO aren’t the ones to steal on.
Lots of good practical information. I felt like the information received is something I can apply in my current position easily and it will provide value.
The presenter [Natalie Sjelin] had intimate knowledge of the process and possible pitfalls of implementing policies within organizations.
The quality of the [Continuity Planning] presentation and the value of the content easily makes this the best webinar I have attended since the plague days started. CIAS-ISAO aren’t the ones to steal on.